“Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder… The climb is all there is.”
– Game of Thrones –
So March 2020 happened… How was yours?Β
Mine? Oh, it went. Multiple weeks of family Influenza B complete with a hospital trip and prolonged recoveries, all while trying to avoid the Corona-econo-pocalypse. Yeah, March was a month for the record books.
I’m hoping your version of March 2020 was a little less eventful.
Understandably, the struggle / stay-home / lockdown mode of the past few weeks, left me processing. First, I had to get past my initial angst that “Life 2020” has been so much less cooperative than “Life 2019” – not that “Life 2019” was buttery smooth. Next, I had to revisit the direction of 2020. Personally, family, financially, entrepreneurially, I had a lot to review.
At the end of all my pondering, I settled on a couple navigational points.
First, it wasn’t working to try to be Super Mom in the middle of this Corona-econo-pocalypse. I needed to give myself the time and grace to not be okay with the fact that the entire world has been turned on end. (Seriously, my grand superior plan – totally blown to bits!) Despite that fact, I eventually got to a more okay place; it just wasn’t working to rush the process.
Next, my family needed a schedule-ish. Of course, no one was excited to hear Empress Mom decree that they’d reached their limit of pajama-wearing television-watching marathons… but we’re getting back to (new) normal life since. My momdar (i.e. mom radar) indicates that’s a positive change. π
After that came business rebuilding. No skill has been left untapped. The kids are helping to start the garden, while the hubby is working to set up the videoconferencing studio. I’ll get around to advancing my sewing (machine) and bathbomb crafting skills later. Sadly, my baking skills are limited to cast iron skillet cornbread. Otherwise, I’d be making and selling cupcakes coming out of this quarantine… and of course, I’m back to bothering you via the interweb! π (You know you missed me!)… Oh, and for this site, changes are a’coming.
So what have I learned to pass on to you, my beloved readers? Hmm… I’ve been a lil bit busy surviving, but I guess I can wing it.
- It’s okay to not be okay – for a bit. – Take some time, grieve, rage, process, and then try to get on with it. We’ve got a world to restart / rebuild, and you’ve got an empire to build. All hands on deck.
- Insist on happening to life, or it will happily happen all over you. – Decide on your personal priorities, and then take at least one step every day (no matter how small) toward them. When it comes to your priorities, resolve to be water eroding stone, gradually wearing down the path to your goal.
- Got cash? – For stability in RebootLife 2.0, you’ll need some. Build a business by finding a need and serving it. No technology skills (yet)? Don’t let that stop you. If you have a green thumb, grow something – then sell it. If people like to eat what you bake, bake something – then sell it. If you have a smartphone and/or a good camera, take high-resolution photos – sell them and maybe roll the profits into another, more profitable business. If you have computer skills, offer them as part of a service business. If you can sew, make something – and sell it. If you have great sales and organizational skills, sell house painting, lawn care, pet care, or other services – then pay others a fee to provide them. Now is the time to increase your stability by stacking cash. It may not pay your house or car note, but food, gas, and phone money would be a decent start. You probably have at least a couple of skills. Do you have the discipline to build a business with them?
That’s all I’ve got for now. Since no one knows what April 2020 holds, we should definitely get on with the growing.
P.S.: I’ve never actually watched Game of Thrones. (It isn’t quite my speed.)… but I do like the quote. π