When trying to keep your financial boat afloat, it helps to know if the economic waves are going up, down, or sideways. Additional knowledge can help to protect your hard-earned savings, assets, and income. This article discusses different types of inflationary environments and provides you with options for surviving (and maybe even thriving in) them.
All posts tagged financial independence
Recession Versus Depression: Survival Options
Given the current circumstances of the global financial market, it seems like an appropriate time to review some pertinent economic terms. After that, we’ll review a handful of options for dealing with a challenging monetary environment.
Is Zero Down Payment A Good Thing?
… Is a zero down payment loan the best option for your particular purchase? Possibly. Here are a few things to consider before committing to a zero down payment contract.
The Proverbs 31 Millionaire Story
For this “article”, we bring you a video with Dr. D’Loreyn Walker’s testimony of the experience that prompted the writing of The Proverbs 31 Millionaire book. We also offer a free downloadable gift as our way of saying, “Thank you!”
Peaceful Pandemonium
Unspoken Partnership – Have you ever experienced calm in the midst of chaos? It’s a rare experience – like glimpsing a rainbow fringing a thunderstorm or the eerie silence cradled within the razing winds of a hurricane. Nevertheless, once witnessed, the experience is almost impossible to forget.
Digitized Assistance
Nitro for Your Business – If you enjoy automotive racing shows of any form, you will inevitably come across the concept of increasing a vehicle’s engine performance through the addition of nitrous oxide. The stuff is almost portrayed as being the substance of mythical legends.
Legacy Building
Catalyst or Substrate? – If you can still remember the biochemistry lessons from school, you might recall the idea of a catalyst. In biochemistry, a catalyst is a substance that is able to speed up the reaction between other chemicals. At the same time, a catalyst is special. Unlike a substrate, a catalyst only helps to aid a chemical change. It isn’t consumed during the transformation being accomplished.
Why Your Children May Struggle To Reinvent The Wheel
Did you know that this upcoming Thursday, April 23, 2020, is Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day in the United States? No? It’s okay. A few days ago, my answer would have been the same.
Products & Services
“…Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.“ 1 Peter 5:7 [NKJV] MOMMA’S MONEY TREE – WHERE THE BIBLE MEETS BUSINESS & PERSONAL FINANCE – OUR PRODUCTS & SERVICES We’re Here To Help! Congratulations on taking action toward a Godly plan for the improvement of your business and finances! Below you’ll find…
Chaos Ladder Theory
What to do when life happens all over you? Survive the beating, pull your face out of the dirt, and apply chaos ladder theory.