When trying to keep your financial boat afloat, it helps to know if the economic waves are going up, down, or sideways. Additional knowledge can help to protect your hard-earned savings, assets, and income. This article discusses different types of inflationary environments and provides you with options for surviving (and maybe even thriving in) them.
All posts tagged Gods Plan For My Money
Recession Versus Depression: Survival Options
Given the current circumstances of the global financial market, it seems like an appropriate time to review some pertinent economic terms. After that, we’ll review a handful of options for dealing with a challenging monetary environment.
Is Zero Down Payment A Good Thing?
… Is a zero down payment loan the best option for your particular purchase? Possibly. Here are a few things to consider before committing to a zero down payment contract.
Products & Services
“…Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.“ 1 Peter 5:7 [NKJV] MOMMA’S MONEY TREE – WHERE THE BIBLE MEETS BUSINESS & PERSONAL FINANCE – OUR PRODUCTS & SERVICES We’re Here To Help! Congratulations on taking action toward a Godly plan for the improvement of your business and finances! Below you’ll find…
Welcome To Momma’s Money Tree!
MOMMA’S MONEY TREE – WHERE THE BIBLE MEETS BUSINESS & PERSONAL FINANCE – OUR MESSAGE Hope For Your Business & Finances Did you know that God never intended for you to live paycheck-to-paycheck or just over broke? It’s true. God has a plan for your business and money. At Momma’s Money Tree, we use Bible-based…